The Central Lakes College fast-pitch softball team split with Hibbing Wednesday in a make-up doubleheader from a weather postponement of April 21. The Raiders first lost, 8-3, and then won 14-4, to push their record to 14-17 overall and 11-9 in the Northern Division of the Minnesota College Athletic Conference (MCAC). CLC was led by Alanna Hansen and Nicole Marcy, who hit home runs in the second game. Nicole went 2-for-4 and four runs batted in. Alanna also went 2-for-4 and scored three times. Sam Harting scattered five hits and a single earned run while striking out four Cardinals in the win. Alanna and Carlie Sweet belted homers in the opener, but the home team collected 10 hits off Sam. She struck out five and walked one. Lena Montano (shown) and Alanna went 2-for-3. The season ends Saturday as the Raiders travel to Grand Rapids for the Jennie Guyer memorial tournament hosted by national powerhouse Itasca. There will be no 2012 post-season appearance for CLC due to a fourth place Division finish, according to Coach Greg Medeck.